
Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions has done many projects in the past. A few examples (of many) are listed below.


License compliance engineering for several companies in Germany

For several companies in Germany we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code in litigation cases.


License compliance engineering for several companies in Germany

For several companies in Germany we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code in litigation cases.

License compliance engineering for several companies in the US

For several companies in the US we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code in litigation cases.

License compliance engineering for several companies in China

For several companies in China we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code.

License compliance engineering for a company in the Netherlands

For a company in The Netherlands we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code.


License compliance engineering for several companies in Germany

For several companies in Germany we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code in litigation cases.

License compliance engineering for several companies in China

For several companies in China we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code.

License compliance engineering for a company in the Netherlands

For a company in The Netherlands we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code.


License compliance engineering for several companies in Germany

For several companies in Germany we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code in litigation cases.

License compliance engineering for a company in the Netherlands

For a company in The Netherlands we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code.


Co-development of OSADL license compliance audit

For OSADL we co-developed the license compliance audit.


License compliance engineering for an ODM in Taiwan

For an ODM in Taiwan we identified license issues in binaries and source code and helped them solve the defects, plus implemented a process to prevent license issues from occuring in the future.

License compliance engineering for a law firm in Spain

For a law firm in Spain we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code.

License compliance engineering for a law firm in Germany

For a law firm in Germany we helped identify license issues in binary code and source code.

License compliance workshop in the Netherlands

Together with ICTRecht we organised a compliance workshop for lawyers and legal professionals.

License compliance workshop in Spain

Together with id law partners we organised a workshop for the national Open Source center in Spain (CENATIC).