About Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions

Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions is a company specializing in consultancy in the field of software governance and license compliance engineering.

It was founded in 2011 by Armijn Hemel, MSc, an internationally recognized expert in the field of GPL license compliance engineering and old time Open Source user.

About our founder

Armijn Hemel started using Open Source software in 1994 (FreeBSD, later Linux) and has never looked back. He participated for a long time in NLUUG. For NLUUG he helped organise many conferences and served on the board from 2006 to 2010.

For his MSc project at Utrecht University Armijn also made the original prototype for NixOS, an experimental Linux distribution with a focus on system configuration management and currently serves on the board of NixOS Foundation.

In 2006 Armijn published about security bugs in many implementations of the UPnP protocol.

From 2005 until 2012 Armijn was serving on the core team of the gpl-violations.org project, where he has helped research and resolve hundreds of license compliance issues.

Company information

Handelsnaam (trading name): Tjaldur Software Governance Solutions

KvK (Chamber of Commerce): 52637840